20. Love is comprehension, which means embracing, involving, enclosing, understanding with intelligence, integrating the other, or any thing, and integrating it until unity is achieved. Comprehension is divine Wisdom. Comprehension cancels distances because it puts up no opposition. It does not criticize because it comprehends; it does not judge because it knows that everything is in its proper place. Comprehension, rather than studying the mind of others, directly touches their consciousness, which cannot but open up and yield. Comprehension is not mental discursiveness is a state of consciousness which responds appropriately and wisely to the stimuli which may be both external and internal to the individual. Comprehension is Love in action; it is the sweet expression of the Heart. 21. Love is giving, because it is rich, because it has. And because it has, it can offer itself at all existential levels, freely, through a pure act. Love integrates the needy ego and transfigures it, just as the river is integrated and transfigured by the majesty of the ocean. 22. Love is life-giving, unifying and growth-bestowing... Love belongs to the Soul, desire to individuality. 23. Love is joy-beatitude which does not stem from taking (otherwise it would be mere gratification) but from the act itself of offering, of giving. Love rejoices in Love; Love lives in and by its own essence because it is ipseità (beingness), which is the prerogative of the nature of the Soul. 24. Love is fullness. Fullness is the integral state of the Soul as Person. Hence the beatitude that comes from being an accomplished being. Only those who have reached peace of mind and brought into unity the manifold and discordant voices of imperfect and demanding desire, can be in a state of fulfilment and therefore in a condition to offer, concede and give. 25. Love is freedom because it does not bind, since it does not consider the other separate from itself. Freedom offers certainty. All forms of jealousy and desire for possession stem from the fear of losing the object of desire; therefore behind desire lurks the nightmare of suffering. Love is freedom because, not being the child of necessity, it imposes nothing. 26. Love is a gentle sound which attracts and pacifies, an “influence” [that] creates assonance and proper and balanced encounter between two noble hearts vibrating consonant and pleasant melodies which, in their turn, produce stability. This is the exact opposite of desire, which is unstable and fleeting ...capable of reaching considerable heights (thus we have beings who incarnate powerful universal Principles). Value represents the quality of Love or of the Principle itself... Such a state of Love abolishes space and time so that we may speak of immortal Love. It is profound “aesthetics” which transfigures all acts, all words, all movement, and requires conceptual or mental silence, because the word is replaced by the vibration, which penetrates, surrounds and progressively unfolds Harmony, Accord and the Intellect of Love.
May the Spiritual-Cosciential Influx of the Veda and the sacred Mysteries penetrate our consciousness. om tat sat om Printable Version [pdf]