
Although the language here differs from everyday language the opening of one's heart to the values of truth that dwell in our innermost self will undoubtedly happen in time. Even if we do not focus on that.
Tradition: What It means to us
The Primeval Tradition, which must not be confused with the cultural, social and political traditionalism of the various Nations or with a pre-historical condition, receives direct inspiration from the Principle. It is therefore, not the product of human minds. It expresses itself as Philosophy of Being, a Philosophy that can restore dignity in human beings by pointing out that they belong to universal and principial dimensions. The Philosophy of Being can make human beings aware of their harmonious place in Life, and lead them to realize that they are but one of the links in the cosmic chain. As the Primordial Tradition expresses itself in terms of synthesis, unity and vital harmony, its values are beyond the simple psycho-physical level and belong to the Universal sphere and of the Principle one.
According to the Philosophy of Being, individuals, and therefore humanity as a whole, are here for a precise purpose: to know themselves, to comprehend themselves, and to be. The task for human beings is precisely that of comprehending themselves as totality and, therefore, as unity. By doing this, humanity can leave the fragmentary and incomplete dimension in which it lives.
The Tradition teaches the restless and conflicting individual how to find the way of return to Unity. Traditional symbology, both in the Western Mysteries and in the Veda-Upanishads, refers to the process of scission or fall of human beings, and to the subsequent process of reunion or reintegration. According to the Tradition, Being is the ultimate Truth, and our essence is Being. The search for Being, of ones own Identity, represents the true aim of our lives, in that it allows human beings to reach the state of total Completeness.
Raphael goes into Traditional Teaching, which is not theoretical or learned metaphysics, nor a discursive philosophy nor dogmatic religion, but Philosophy of Being to be realized and lived by.
Two points, which represent Raphael's key note, are consistently found in his own works and in his commentaries of the traditional texts:
Tradition is not to be considered as a learning exercise for the sake of erudition, but is to be experienced in life.
From a metaphysical point of view, Tradition is one and only one.
Says Raphael: «We speak of realizative Philosophy. This means that it has to be experienced, not memorized. It must become a way of living and being. In order to be one with Truthexperiencing implies a process of absorption into consciousness . We should not forget that Truth is disclosed to be meditated upon, assimilated and lived by: it has no other purpose... Considering Traditional Philosophy in a different way causes it to deviate from its raison dêtre, and to lower it to the level of a mere intellectual play».
Traditional Branches: Unity of Tradition
Every Traditional Branch is a complete Teaching, comprising both the Greater and the Lesser Mysteries. Some erudites have underlined only minor or particular aspects of these Teachings, neglecting or even refusing to recognize their metaphysical nature. However, this does not mean that this metaphysical aspect is not present in them.
This metaphysical aspect that in its true meaning, refers to the Absolute Reality - beyond all and every contingent matter, beyond manifestation in its complete extension and, therefore, beyond time, space and cause - has been clearly underlined by Raphael. For instance, he has pointed out that the Ain Soph in the Qabbalah and the One-One in Plato's philosophy correspond to the non-qualified Absolute or metaphysical Being.
Raphael provides the readers intuition with clear reference points, and highlights the correspondences between Eastern and Western Teachings. His commentaries can prove useful to those who follow either Eastern or Western Teachings because they show how the Philosophia Perennis, which is not the product of human minds, apart from time-space adaptations, «contains universal truths that do not belong to any people or age». It is lack of true understanding that may lead to view a particular Branch as the only trustworthy teaching, and, thus, to take a position that, in turn, fosters opposition and fanaticism. Traditional Doctrine is lessened by sentimental and fanatic devotionalism, as well as by intellectualism that is dogmatic and critical, separative and arrogant.
Raphael says: «In making of Realization our aim, it is our task to look at the essence of every Doctrine because we know that Truth is one and therefore one must be the Tradition, even though it may be considered, just like Truth, from a plurality of apparently different points of view. We must abandon all disquisitions concerning the process of becoming and take our stand on the plane of Being. In other words, the Philosophy of Being must be the foundation of our search and realization».
May the Spiritual influence and Consciousness of Guadapada, Shankara, and Raphael, reach all beings.